Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital (NRSMC&H)

WELCOME TO Ophthalmology




UG Prog :

UG Programme :-                                                                                                                                                                           (Lecture Classes)

  • Maturation and complications of cataract
  • Enumerate the types of cataract surgery and describe the steps, intra-operative and post-operative.complications.of extracapsular cataract extraction surgery
  • Describe the setiology, pathophysiology, ocular features, differential diagnosis, complications and management of pterygium.
  • Enumerate the causos and discuss the management of dry eye
  • Enumerate, describe and discuss the types and causes of corneal
  • Ulceration
  • Enumerate and discuss the differential diagnosis of infective keratitis
  • Enumerate the indications and the types of keratoplasty
  • Describe and discuss the importance and protocols involved in eye
  • eye donation and eye banking
  • Describe clinical signs of intraocular inflammation and enumerate the features that distinguish granulomatous from non-granulomatous inflammation. identify acute indocyclitis from chronic condition
  • Enumerate systemic conditions that can present as iridocyclitis and describe their acular manifestations
  • Enumerate and discuss the aetiolagy, the clinical distinguishing features of various glaucomas associated with shallow and deep anterior chamber. Choose appropriate investigations and treatment for patients with above conditions.
  • Enumerate, describe and discuss the causes of avoidable blindness and the National Programs for Control of Blindness (including vision 2020)
  • Discuss the aetiology, pathology, clinical features and management of vascular occlusions of the retina Enumerate and discuss treatment modalities in management of diseases of the retina Describe and discuss the correlative anatomy, aetiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests, imaging and management of diseases of the optic nerve and visual pathway                                                                                                                      

SGD Classes :-

  • Differential diagnosis of eyelid swelling
  • External & internal hordeolum, 
  • Preseptal cellulitis & blepharitis
  • Evaluation of Epiphora  and Dacryocystitis
  • Evaluation of Ptosis
  • Evaluation of Lagophthalmos and lid lag
  • Senile Cataract, Clinical features, Classification, stages and complications
  • Congenital cataract
  • complicated cataract
  • Secondary cataract and traumatic cataracts 
  • Work up of a patient for cataract surgery
  • Different types of cataract surgeries
  • Postoprative complications of cataract surgery
  • Intraocular lenses


1.Counselling of  patients before and after cataract surgery

2.Awareness on Childhood Myopia

3.Awareness on Diabetic Retinopathy.

4.Awareness on Dry eyes and Computer Vision Syndrome.

5. Counselling of parents of a child with Retinoblastoma

6.Counselling of  patients and family members for Eye donation

7.Awareness of Glaucoma.

8. Counselling of glaucoma patients regarding compliance of glaucoma medication.\

Demonstration Skills :-

1. Visual Acuity Testing:  Distant Vision  , Near Vision , Pin Hole vision test , PL/PR

2. Digital Tonomety

3. Colour Vision testing

4. Blink and Menace reflex

5. Pupillary reflexes

6. Purkinje Images

7. Unilateral and Bilateral ocular movement

8.Lacrimal Regurgitation test

9.Lacrimal massage technique for congenital Dacryocysti

10. Evaluation of Anterlor Chamber Depth

11. Eversion of upper eyelid

12.Confrontation test for Peripheral visual field testing

13. Demonstration of iris Shadow

14. Instilation of topical eye medication

15.Epilation technique in a simulat ed environment. environmant

16.Eye irrigatian

17.Oclar Bandaging

18.Removal of conjunctival and corneal foreign body in a simulated environment.

19 Techniques of : Direct Ophthalmoscopy, Indirect Cphthalmoscopy , Distant Direct Ophthalmoscopy

20.Technique of : Refraction and Dark room procedures.





PG Prog :

PG Programme :-                                                                                                                                                                                 (Seminar)

  • Precorneal Tear film and OSD
  • Secondary Glaucoma
  • Visual pathway and its lesions
  • Orbital apex syndromes
  • Accomodation and its abnormalities
  • Intraocular malignant tumor
  • Surgical spaces of orbit and its clinical syndromes
  • Optic Neuropathies
  • Peripheral retinal degenerations
  • Lasers in Ophthalmology- Anterior segment
  • Lasers in Ophthalmology- Posterior segment
  • Al in Ophthalmology


PD Prog :

Not Applicable

Other Courses :
Department Publications and Services
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Department Staff (Teaching)
# Image Name Registration No. Position Resident Type Publications Services
1 Dr Udayaditya Mukhopadhyay 2 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
2 Dr. Krishna Pada Baidya 74 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
3 Dr Rupam Roy 4 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
4 Dr Sudeshna Roy 4 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
5 Dr Shreyangsi Biswas 3 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
6 Dr Sripurna Ghosh 111 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
7 Dr Shafaque Sahar 19 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
8 Dr. Mily Mandal 19 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
9 DR. SHAMEEK RAHAMAN 7 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
10 Dr KALYAN SHANKAR ACHARJEE 7 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
11 DR. AYAN CHAUDHURI 7 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
12 DR. MADHURIMA KARMAKAR 7 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
13 DR. NEELAM MONDAL 7 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
14 DR.DEEPIKA MARDI 7 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
15 DR SK ABID HASAN 184 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
16 DR MOUMI LAL 6 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
17 DR PRITHA GHOSH 6 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
18 DR ARKA CHATTERJEE 6 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
19 DR SUKANYA SAHA 6 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
20 DR NUPUR PRIYADARSHINI 6 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
21 DR INDRANEEL BHATTACHARYA 5 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
22 DR SUBHADIP MAITI 5 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
23 DR HARSHA TAK 5 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
24 DR LAKSHANA SHERPA 5 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
25 DR AKSHITA JAIN 5 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
26 DR. ABUL BASHAR 5 Resident Download/ View Download/ View
Department Staff (Non-Teaching)
# Image Name Position Resident Type Publications Services
1 Anirban Ghosh, Prasanta Paul 167 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
2 Rajmohon Ram 122 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
3 Jayanta Mallick 168 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
4 Raghubir Das 158 Not resident Download/ View Download/ View
Department Gallery